Our Approach
Pilot Owned : Public Use
Brandywine Regional Airport is an important part of the transportation infrastructure of Chester County and the Philadelphia area.
Our Story
In 1997, a group of local pilots formed a co-op and bought Brandywine Airport from its long-time owner and began to enhance this public-use, privately owned airport. Hangars were built and the runway and taxiway were extended.
Airport Manager

John Kassab
Fixed wing private pilot since 1979 and airport shareholder. Former owner and operator of the Bailey Printing Company of Media, Pa.
Manager cell, as needed: 610 842 3804

Assistant Manager
Private pilot, professional photographer, aerial video producer, and certificated UAV pilot.

Professional electronics technician. Former USAF flight simulator technician, 60th Military Airlift Command (MAC), Travis, CA.

National Guard Reserve